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Pilotos da Equipe ActionFly de Voo Livre abraçados em uma rampa de voo

ActionFly Team and School Rio - Brazil >>


are Certified by:

Logomarca Confederação Brasileira de Voo Livre
Logomarca Federação de Voo Livre do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Logomarca Federação Internacional do Aerodesporto
Logomarca Confederação de Aerodesporto Brasileira
Logomarca Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil
Logomarca Clube São Conrado de Voo Livre
Logomarca Instituto Chico Mendes
Logomarca Parque Nacional da Tijuca
Piloto Érico Oliveira levantando o troféu de campeão da etapa do campeonato brasileiro de parapente
Piloto Érico Oliveira levantando o troféu do campeonato brasileiro de parapente 2010
Piloto Erico Oliveira após vencer a prova do campeonato brasileiro de parapente em Araxá
fotos parapente 1º dia-20.jpg

Specialized in Hang Gliding and Paragliding

Operating since 2002, when it was created by Instructor Érico Oliveira, the Free Flight ActionFly Team, has been working and standing out for the development of the sport, prioritizing safety, well-being and total quality in the services provided in our various segments.

Aiming at the evolution of the sport, we are always present in the main championships, events and flight centers in the country and the world, thus maintaining direct contact with pilots, manufacturers, schools and partners from different regions and cultures. This exchange results in an updated and dynamic knowledge for the team, students and customers.

The ActionFly Team operates in the main places for the practice of free flight, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Having performed more than 10,000 flights, doubles, instructional, recreational, acrobatic, or in competitions. It is responsible for the training of more than 100 new pilots, and represents exclusively the main manufacturers of domestic and imported equipment.


Pilot and Coordinator Érico Oliveira


Brazilian, 42 years old, from Rio de Janeiro, graduated and post-graduated in social communication. He started his activities in free flight in 2000, dedicating himself entirely to the sport since then. It is ACCREDITED by the main Regulatory Institutions in the country, in the Hang Gliding and Paragliding modalities.


Founder and coordinator of the ActionFly Team of Voo Livre RJ. Acts as a Pilot and Level 5 Master Instructor, Worldwide Competitor, Aerobatics Pilot, Safety Course Instructor, Dual Flight, Cross-country and High Performance Competitions.

Currently occupies the following positions within the national sport:

- Technical Director, at Clube São Conrado de Voo Livre - RJ , the first and main free flight club in the country;

- Technical Director, at the Free Flight Federation of the State of Rio de Janeiro ;

- Technical Director, at the Brazilian Confederation of Free Flight ;

- CBVL Technical Director, at the Brazilian Aerodesport Commission ;


It performed flights of all types, took off and trained students in various regions of the country and abroad, such as Chile, Argentina, Peru, France, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, Italy and the United States.

He actively participates in the main national and international championships, having excelled in many competitions. He is part of the select group of TOP10 in Brazil, for the last eight consecutive years.

He is also a constant member of the Brazilian Team, which defends the country in international championships.


Some of the results in recent years:

2019 >>


- Champion - For Teams, 1st stage of the Brazilian Circuit - Valadares-MG ;


- 2nd Place - By Teams, Brazil Stage of the World Cup (main event in the world), Andradas-MG;

- 3rd Place - By Teams, 2nd stage of the Brazilian Circuit - Poços de Caldas-MG;

- 3rd Place - Open Category, Ranking of the League of Brazilian Competitors;


- 4th Place - Open Category, Brazilian Ranking - (Valadares + Poços de Caldas);

- 4th place - Category Open, 2nd stage of the Brazilian Circuit - Poços de Caldas-MG;

- 5th Place - Open Category, 1st stage of the Brazilian Circuit - Valadares-MG.


2018 >>


- Champion - Rio de Janeiro State Ranking - Open Category;


- Champion - Wing Sport Category, Brazilian Ranking (Valadares + Brasília + Andradas);


- Champion - For Teams, 2nd stage of the Brazilian Circuit - Igrejinha-RS ;  


- 2nd Place - By Teams, 1st stage of the Brazilian Circuit - Brasília-DF;  


- 3rd Place - Open Category, 2nd stage of the Brazilian Circuit - Igrejinha-RS ;


- 4th Place - Open Category, Brazilian Ranking - (Brasília + Igrejinha);


- TOP 10 - Open Category, Ranking of the League of Brazilian Competitors;

2017 >>

- Champion - Open Category, 2nd stage of the Brazilian Circuit - Andradas-MG;


- 2nd Place - Open Category, Brazil Stage of the World Cup (main event in the world), Aguas da Prata-SP;

- 2nd Place - Open Category, Ranking of the League of Brazilian Competitors;


- 3rd Place - Open Category, Brazilian Ranking - (Baixo Guandu + Andradas);

- 2nd Place - By Teams, 1st stage of the Brazilian Circuit - Baixo Guandú-ES;


- TOP 25 - Pro Category, FAI World Championship (main event on the planet), Feltre-Itália.


2016 >>

- Brazilian driver best placed in the Super Final of the World Cup - PWC SUPER FINAL 2016 (main event in the world) - Governador Valadares-MG;

- 2nd Place - Open Category, 2nd stage of the Rio de Janeiro Circuit - Porciúncula-RJ;

- 3rd Place - Open Category, 1st stage of the Brazilian Circuit - Castelo-ES;

- 5th Place - Open Category, Brazilian Ranking - (Castelo + Araxá);

- 4th Place - Open Category, Ranking of the League of Brazilian Competitors;

- 14th place - Open category, World Cup (main event in the world), Stage Castelo-ES.


2015 >>

- Champion - Rio de Janeiro State Ranking - Open Category; ;


- Champion - Open Category, Final stage of the Rio de Janeiro Circuit - Papucaia-RJ;


- 2nd Place - Open Category, 2nd stage of the Brazilian Circuit - Sapiranga-RS;


- 7th Place - Open Category, Brazilian Ranking - (Sapiranga + Valadares);


- 6th Place - Open Category, Ranking of the League of Brazilian Competitors;


- 17th Place - Open Category, World Cup, Baixo Baixo Guandú-ES.


2014 >>


- Champion - Open Category, 2nd stage of the Rio de Janeiro Circuit - Sampaio Correa-RJ;


- 2nd Place - Open Category, Rio de Janeiro Ranking;


- 3rd Place - Open Category, 2nd stage of the Brazilian Circuit - Andradas-MG;


- 7th Place - Open Category, Brazilian Ranking - (Valadares + Andradas);


2013 >>


- Champion - Open Category, International Cup - Andradas-MG;

- TOP 10 - Open Category, Brazilian Ranking - (Baixo Guandu + Araxá);

2012 >>


- Champion - Open Category, XC Amazônia - Ouro Preto do Oeste-RO;

- 3rd place - Open category, 1st stage of the South Mineiro Circuit - Córrego do Bom Jesus-MG;


- 5th Place - Open Category, South Mine Circuit - Poços de Caldas-MG;


- 5th Place - Open Category, Brazilian Ranking (Baixo Guandu + Araxá).

2011 >>


- Champion - Serial Category, Brazilian Ranking, by the Brazilian Paragliding Association (ABP);


- Champion - Serial Category, 4th stage of the Brazilian Circuit ABP - Andradas-MG;


- 2nd Place - Serial Category, 3rd stage of the Brazilian Circuit ABP - Capitão Enéas-MG;


- 4th Place - Serial Category, 2nd stage of the Brazilian Circuit ABP - São Lourenço-MG;


- 4th Place - Serial Category, 1st stage of the Brazilian Circuit ABP - Valadares-MG.

2010 >>


- Champion - Serial Category, Brazilian Ranking - (Afonso Claudio + Botucatu);


- Champion - Serial Category, 1st stage of the Brazilian Circuit - Afonso Cláudio-ES;

- 2nd Set - Serial Category, 1st stage of Tour South Mining - Sierra Coin-MG.

- 2nd place - Serial Category, 2nd stage of the Brazilian Circuit - Botucatu-SP;


- 3rd Place - Serial Category, Ranking Sul Mineiro;


- 4th Laid - Open Category, 1st stage of the Brazilian Circuit - Afonso Claudio, ES;


2009 >>


- Champion - Serial Category, Ranking Sul Mineiro;

- Champion - Serial Category, 2nd stage of Tour South Mineiro - São Lourenço-MG;

- 2nd Set - Open Category, 2nd stage of Tour South Mineiro - São Lourenço-MG;


- 2nd Place - Serial Category, Rio de Janeiro Circuit - São Conrado-RJ;

- 2nd Place - Serial Category, Brazilian Ranking;

- 3rd Place - Open Category , Rio de Janeiro Circuit - São Conrado-RJ;

- 4th Place - Open Category, South Mineiro Ranking.

- Among others...


More results on our ActionFly Team News Blog



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